Words by our founder
One should know every design has expressions. A design follows a pattern or beheads the pattern. It can be both symmetrical or asymmetrical. It has either one warm feel or more with differences, which changes as the eye changes vision of the watch to different directions at the different angles from one focal point. It is attached to an emotion or driven by the change in emotion.
At times it has the ability to rule a brain towards the inception of something never felt before or it might even create illusion.
Many could define design but it is something beyond any definition as it has no boundaries and limitations. It is observed to have variation in price for different designs due to its sophistication to craft with precision. We may spend limitless to its worth which may never be constant as it’s nature of existence. The true success of a design is when it sparks the movement which inspires to be followed as a trend with endurance.
I strongly believe that the interior design of your home should be the true reflection of the owner. It is our duty at Prettify Interior where perfection meets precision, to interpret your emotions and artistically design your house in the best suit for your personality and Choices.